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Santa Clarita Blinds & Shades
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Top-Quality Window Blinds & Shades at Great Prices

Are you eager to learn new and important things about different types of blinds and shades? Then make full use of our FAQ page. It’s got lots of practical information and advice for everyone who wants to improve the decor of their home or business.

What is the difference between blinds and shades?

Blinds are window coverings with tactile slats that you can raise or lower to adjust how much sunlight gets through. Shades typically consist of single panels, with various patterns and designs, that either open, exposing sunlight, or close, to block or filter it. Of course, there are some window treatments that are more of a combination of the two. Check out our blog if you want to learn more about the differences between blinds and shades.

What kinds of window treatments work best for large windows?

You can definitely consider cellular shades if covering a large window is the goal. These insulating coverings are elegant and lightweight and are famous for their thermal efficiency. Seeing as how large windows make for bigger potential sources of heat transfer, you'll want them to enhance their insulation. Vertical blinds are also a good choice. They're especially great for windows that are both very tall and very wide, due to their structure.

How do I get the best results from dusting blinds?

Dust them at least once a week to prevent dust particles from sticking to the surface. This is particularly important if you have fabric shades, not just hard blinds. Use a feather duster, as it produces good results without damaging the cleaned surface. With some window treatments, you can use an upholstery attachment and vacuum them.

How do horizontal and vertical patio blinds compare?

Both are quite versatile as you can tilt their slats into the desired position. Horizontal blinds typically offer greater privacy while also set to let light in. Most homeowners prefer to use them for wide windows, because of their horizontal vanes. Vertical blinds have a more formal appeal. They tend to work best with tall and narrow windows. Their different structure makes them great as covers for glass doors.

Can I apply stain remover to my fabric shades?

This is generally not a good idea. Stain removal chemicals often contain compounds that can damage either the fabric, the dye, or both. Still, it is always best to check what the manufacturer has to say. Some materials may remain unaffected, but others will most likely experience damage. Most window treatments require careful and gentle cleaning in order to preserve their condition.


Our competitive pricing guarantees you the best value possible when choosing window coverings from our outstanding selection. Leave your contact information below and we'll get back to you shortly!


Look to us for guaranteed satisfaction and the most helpful decorators in town. You can always count on us for the best value possible in choosing your blinds and shades.

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Mar 10, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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